Podcast with Lori Bruno

Poscast featuring Lori Bruno with host Ralph Castaldo at Spiral Radio on the Para-X internet broadcast network.

We cover Ancient Italian Strega the old religion, prophecies, Girodano Bruno, Aradia, Edgar Cayce, and much more.

Music by Analog Driver and Far Radio Clouds.

It can be downloaded from Ralph’s Google Drive as an MP3 (55 MB) at:

This is a 1 hour program.  It can be streamed at:

Ellen Dugan at Magika – Sun 10/23/16

Ellen Dugan at Magika – Sunday, Oct 23 – 1 pm to 7 pm

Ellen headshot

Ellen Dugan is the award winning author of 17 non-fiction titles, and 4 novels. Known as the “Garden Witch”, she is a psychic-clairvoyant, and has been a practicing Witch for over thirty years. Well known for her candor and humor, she is also a Master Gardener. Ellen teaches classes on Witchery, Psychic Protection, and Magick.

In 2015 she successfully branched out into paranormal fiction with her first series, Legacy Of Magick.

Ellen will be at Magika for an appearance on Sunday, October 23, 2016 from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm.  We will have a supply of Ellen’s books on hand for sale, for a one-stop event.

For more on Ellen see:

ellen dugan books

September Sacred Circle – Michaelmas & Mabon

We will celebrate and observe Mabon (Fall Equinox Sept 22) and Michaelmas (Sept 29) on Saturday, September 24, on the small green at the rear of the Magika Shop (weather permitting).  We will gather at 6:00 pm.  The location of the store is 63-R Wharf Street, Pickering Wharf, Salem, MA. 01970.  At that time we will also honor our local police and other law enforcement people whose patron is St Michael The Archangel.

At this time of the year we also observe the Fall Harvest and ask that you share the harvest with your brethren by bringing non-perishable canned or packaged goods that we will deliver to a local food bank for those in need.

Parking is available on street where it can be found or at the South Harbor Parking Garage for a small fee (cash only) at the intersection of Congress and Derby Street just 1 block away.  For other directions and public transit options see our directions page at our web site at:  http://www.magika.org

Author Judika Illes at Magika

Judika                                              Craft Book Author Judika Illes

                                    At Magika – 63-R Wharf Street, Salem, MA. 01970
                     Special book signing session, Wednesday, July 27,  2 PM till closing.

World renowned Craft book author Judika Illes is an independent scholar, educator, and author of several books of folklore, folkways, and mythology about the subjects of magic, the occult, divination, diverse spiritual traditions, witchcraft, and the paranormal.

She is the author of four popular magikal encyclopedias:

  • The Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
  • The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft
  • The Encyclopedia of Spirits
  • and the brand new Encyclopedia of Mystics, Saints, and Sages.

Her other books include Pure Magic, Magic When You Need It, and The Weiser Field Guide to Witches as well as The Weiser Field Guide to the Paranormal (published under the alias Judith Joyce).

Judika’s frequent radio appearances include Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, Ripley Radio Oddcast, Fangoria Radio, the Hilly Rose Show and the X-Zone with Rob McConnell. She has been featured in publications including The Witches’ Almanac, The Spirit Guide to Spellcraft (Australia), and Prediction Magazine (UK).

Judika will be at Magika and a healthy supply of her book titles will be on hand as well.

Stop by for a spell  – or two!

For more see Judika’s web site at:   http://judikailles.com/

Australian Medium Lizzy Rose at Magika

Magika is happy to announce we have a very special international guest Psychic, offering Aura, Psychic, Tarot, Clairvoyant & Mediumship readings.

Australia’s Celebrity Psychic Lizzy Rose is in Salem Massachusetts Saturday July 9 & Sunday July 10.

Lizzy Rose will conduct personal one on one high level psychic readings. All readings are recorded. Don’t miss this incredible world renown Psychic Medium and the messages from spirit that she will bring you.

To secure an appointment call or visit Magika
63-R Wharf Street
Pickering Wharf
Salem, MA 01970
978-741-9297 –or–

Click on this link to read more about Lizzy Rose

The Circle of Blessings of Living, Light & Love

Saturday, October 31 at 6:00pm – 7:30pm

Hosted by Magika and Our Lord and Lady of the Trinacrian Rose Church. We, the living, have families, friends and loved ones who have gone to the Light to whom we give our remembrance. 
“Not a Witch Alone!”, in our tradition doesn’t mean you must have a group of human Witches to practice with, each of us has our own Ancestral Divine Coven, made up of those who have gone before and who are always with us. On this Holy Day, whatever tradition you may keep, Magi, Witch, etc. – the Tradition of the Ancestor, our revered Dead, will always live within each and every one of us. Is not your skin your very bones a part of our Ancestral DNA? I like to say that DNA stands for “Dead Near Always”, and our Ancestors will be there at the end of this trail to have the joy of meeting you, who loved and honored them, and you will also have left your own impact on those you have touched and left behind.

This Holy Day and Festival of Remembrance is held for all, that you may remember those who have been a part of the tapestry of your Life; remember them this day and night and know the Wheel of the Year has turned again. In Stregheria we say, “Do good and forget, Do Evil and Remember”. Do good to those who are in need, as the greatest act in Life is to give back.  With this in mind, as always, please bring a donation for the HAWC Shelter. In living we are giving and giving we are living, and all that is, is sacred.

-This event is held on the lawn at Pickering Wharf, outside of Magika on the 65 Wharf Street, Salem, MA and is a free event for all ages. . For more information about this event please contact Magika 978-740-9297 63R Wharf Street Salem, MA

Rev. Anderson Lynn Mar

We mourn the loss of one of our sisters, Rev. Anderson Lynn Mar (Dark Sky) who was lost in a tragic accidental fire in March.

Anderson was a well-known figure in the Boston music scene and the city’s underground and goth circles. She was 41. Mar suffered critical injuries from a March 24 fire at a Fall River apartment. After 4 days in the hospital, her family made the difficult decision to withdraw life support. She never regained consciousness. The fire was apparently an accident, and caused by candles that ignited a couch at a friend’s apartment.

Mar was an instructor at the Boston School of Rock and founder of Dark Sky Productions, a live music and nightlife booking agency that specialized in goth, punk, and underground music. She was also the singer of goth band Sans Nomenclature, whose next gig was to have been Friday, April 11 at the Cantab Lounge’s “Club Bohemia” in Cambridge. It would have been Mar’s 42nd birthday.

A graduate of the University of Maine, Anderson Lynne Mar had been involved in various aspects of the music industry since 1993, as a promoter, producer, performer, radio broadcaster, nightclub DJ, and festival organizer.



The next Advanced Strega/Magi Class in the closed series will be a special offering centering on the “Ethics of the Craft”  held on October 4th, 2015 at Victoria Station from 12:00noon to 5PM. This class will be a part of the ongoing series itself which is now closed to new admissions, but this one time offering is also being offered to the public as a one time opportunity.

In this class, you will be taught how to use your Magikal Selves to create your special Will to manifest that which you Will to have in this Life!  Because of people that are coming to Salem now, I have decided to open an overview of the Craft of the Wise and to bring forward that which is taught so that you all may understand what the Craft is and what it is not. This is not a Hollywood stereotype, this is reality as I was taught by my family many years ago!

  • To register for  this class, please call Magika at (978) 740-9297 or stop by Magika before class.
  • Admission to this presentation is open to all.
  • Please bring a notebook and pen.
  • You are welcome to purchase your meal at Victoria Station or try any of the local eateries.
  • Please arrive promptly.  We have a lot to cover!
  • 4-hour, metered street parking is available in the neighborhood. Paid public parking is also available at the nearby South Harbor Garage.