Holiday Gift Ideas

Here are a few of our products that might be great Gift ideas.

Large Cimaruta (chim’-ah-roo’-tah) for use on a chain as a pendant – $42.00
Approx 1.5 in X 1.5 in

Small Cimaruta (chim’-ah-roo’-tah) with Amethyst for a chain as a pendant – $33.99
Approx 1.25 in X 1.0 in

Candle Intention Kits (all you need – various intentions)  $27.00

Spell Kits (all you need – various intentions)  $22.00

Essential oil Kits for special anointing or fragrance work.  $32.99


We also have a wide assortment of books for your reading pleasure and continuing education with a wide diversity of subject matter.

Don’t know what to get for a friend?  We can provide you with a GIFT CERTIFICATE for a psychic reading with one of our talented readers.  $40 for a 15 minute reading.  Certificate are good from date of purchase through September 30, 2017.

Happy Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice is here having come in just after 6 AM EST yesterday on Dec 21.  This is the Birth of the Sun (not Son) when the days start to get longer and we move forward to begin new ideas, new projects, and experience the birth of the coming year.  It’s cold here but as the days get longer we know the warmth of Mother Earth will return.  Of course, before we do any spell work, we always take into consideration when Mercury is retrograde.  You don’t need an ephemeris anymore, you can look it up quickly on any laptop of cell!  We wish all of our friends a Joyous Yuletide season and send blessings for a prosperous holiday season.  May you all have the Blessings of the Goddess and God and may you never hunger or thirst.

Thanksgiving Week Special Hours

Hello everyone!  We will have special store hours this Thanksgiving holiday week so our staff can be with family over the holiday.

Mon – Nov 21 – 11 AM-6PM   (reg hours)
Tue   – Nov 22 – 11 AM-6PM   (reg hours)
Wed – Nov 23 – Closed
Thu  – Nov 24 – Closed – Thanksgiving Day
Fri    – Nov 25 – 11 AM-6PM   (reg hours)
Sat   – Nov 26 – 11 AM-6PM   (reg hours)

We then return to regular hours.  Remember, Saturday, November 26, is Small Business Day.  Please support local small business in your community!

Samhain Circle-Oct 31

All Hallows Circle – Samhain – October 31, 2016

Our Lord and Lady of the Trinacrian Rose Church in conjunction with Magika and other local merchants and covens will host a Samhain circle just outside of the Magika Shop, on Monday, October 31, 2016, at 1:00 PM in the afternoon.

The event is being held early to accommodate many who have to leave Salem early to return home for school and work the next day.

Magika is located at 63 Wharf Street (63-R), Salem, MA. 01970 in the Pickering Wharf business district.

Those bringing canned and packaged goods (non-perishable) may leave them at the store and they will be delivered to a local charity.

Eastern Mass Pagan Pride

ppd-bannerEastern Massachusetts Pagan Pride Festival

Hello my friends.  I have been asked to speak at this year’s Eastern Massachusetts Pagan Pride event, this coming Saturday, September 17, 2016.

The Eastern Mass Pagan Pride Day Festival will be held Saturday, September 17th, 10AM-4PM, at   Winnekenni Castle, 347 Kenoza Avenue, Haverhill, MA, 01830.

The event will features talks, sharings, merchants, and fun for all.  I expect to be speaking about 2:00 PM.

The admission to Eastern Mass Pagan Pride Day is one canned or dry packaged food item per person! If you want to bring more, I am sure the folks at Merrimack Valley Food Bank would appreciate it!  Blessings! – Lori

For more see:

SUMMER SOLSTICE OBSERVATION -Sunday June 19, at 6:00 PM outside the Magika Store in Salem.

SUMMER SOLSTICE OBSERVATION – Please join us, if you can Sunday June 19, at 6:00 PM outside the Magika Store in Salem.
We’ll host a Summer Solstice observation at this time and also a memorial service for the late Myrddin Emrys, a member of our community who crossed over back in March.
63-R Wharf Street – Pickering Wharf Business Area (the green Lawn facing the Friendship)
Salem, MA. 01970
PS – Yes, we know this is Fathers Day but that is the available time slot. We understand if family has other plans.


Have you always wanted to know more about your past, present, and future? Well, now you too can learn divination! Lori Bruno’s Magika presents: A Beginner Level Tarot Card Reading Class. Taught by Magika’s own Psychic Deb Mangelus. The class will be held every Monday evening from 6:30 to 8:30 starting on April 11 through April 16th. Please call either the shop at 781-740-9297 or 978-219-9639


REMINDER: the Advanced Strega Class will be held SUNDAY FEB 21st at Victoria Station Restaurant, Salem MA from 12pm to 5pm. There are seats still available so call 978-740-9297 or come in to the Magika Shop 63R Wharf St Salem on Thurs, Fri, Sat to pay for a seat, or call/come in before 12pm Sunday and pay on the day of the class